Remote Lab Web Services

Welcome to Remote Lab Web Services, an open source Web application providing universal access to LabView-controlled instruments.

This LabView project includes a ReSTful Web Service (WS) and website interface hosted by a LabView server. The WS and website allow clients to acquire measurements from instruments remotely in real time, using standard browsers (e.g. iPhone) without plugins.

Visit the main website for details, including system requirements.

This software is for LabView 8.6 or above, and it was originally written to work with the Keithley 2612 instrument. The software can be modified with appropriate VIs to work with another lab instrument.


AJAX client for the LabView ReSTful Web Service



The maintainer of this project is Sumit Dutta, who may be reached by email at the address sumit dot dutta at alumni dot illinois dot edu. Complete documentation is not available, and so questions related to specific applications in education and in other communities will be answered.